Showing posts with label SPORTS QUOTA ENTRY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPORTS QUOTA ENTRY. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 June 2018



Sports Disciplines. Outstanding sportsmen who have participated at International / Junior or Senior National Championship / Senior State Championship/ All India Inter University Championship in Athletics, Aquatics, Basket-ball, Boxing, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Kabaddi, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Squash, ,Best Physique, Fencing, Golf, Tennis, Kayaking & Canoeing, Rowing, Shooting, Sailing & Wind Surfing and Equestrian(Horse Polo).

 ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS (a) Direct Entry Petty Officer:- Educational Qualifications. 10+2 qualified in any stream or equivalent examination. Sports Proficiency. (i) Team Games. Should have participated at International /National/State level at junior /senior level or represented a University in the Inter University tournament. (ii) Individual Events. Should have attained a minimum of 6th position in Nationals (seniors) or 3rd position in National (juniors) or 3rd position in the Inter University meets.

 Age. 17 to 22 years as on date of commencement of course. Candidates should have been born between 01 Aug 1996 to 31 Jul 2001 (Both dates inclusive) (b) Senior Secondary Recruit (SSR):- Educational Qualifications. 10+2 qualified in any stream or equivalent examination. Sports Proficiency. Should have participated at International/National/State level or represented a University in the Inter University tournament. Age. 17 to 21 years as on date of commencement of course. Candidates should have been born between 01 Aug 1997 to 31 Jul 2001 (Both dates inclusive). (c) Matric Recruits (MR):- 

Educational Qualifications. 10th /equivalent qualified. Sports Proficiency. Should have participated at International/National/State level tournament. Age. 17 to 21 years as on date of commencement of course. Candidates should have been born between 01 Oct 1997 to 30 Sep 2001 (Both dates inclusive). Candidates selected will be enrolled as Logistics (Chef) or Logistics (Stewards) and Hygienist 3. Pay & Allowances. During the initial training period, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be admissible. On successful completion of initial training, they will be placed in Level 3 of the Defence Pay Matrix (₹ 21,700- ₹43,100). In addition, they will be paid MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable)

. 4. Insurance cover- Insurance cover (on contribution) of Rs. 37.50 lakhs for all sailors is applicable. PROMOTION AND PERQUISITES 5. Promotion: Promotion prospects exist up to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer-I (equivalent to Subedar Major). Opportunities for promotion to commissioned officer also exist for those who perform well, qualify the prescribed examinations/selection process and meet the eligibility condition stipulated from time to time. 6. Perquisites: (a) During the entire period of training and thereafter, sailors are given books, reading material, uniform, food and accommodation etc. free of cost. (b) Sailors are entitled to medical treatment and Leave Travel Concession for self and dependents, Group Housing Benefits Insurance cover and other privileges. Sailors also have the privilege to avail Annual and Casual Leave as per current regulations. Children education and house rent allowances are also admissible. Post retirement benefits include pension, gratuity and Leave encashment.

SELECTION CRITERIA 7. Selection Criteria. Deserving candidates would be called to appear for trials at designated Naval Centers. The candidates qualifying trials will undergo medical examination at INS Hamla, Mumbai. The offer of enrolment will be forwarded to the selected candidates only, which will be strictly determined by requirement in particular sports disciplines and availability of vacancies. Request for change of venue of selection trials will not be entertained. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 8. Medical Standards. (a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry. (b) Minimum height 157 cms. Weight and Chest should be proportionate. Minimum Chest expansion of 5 cms. (c) Good mental, medical and physical health free from any disease/ disability, likely to interfere with efficient performance of duties. Colour perception: CP II. (d) No Cardio- vascular disease, surgical deformities like knock knee, flat feet etc. Infection of ears, no history of fits or psychiatric ailment, vericose vein, corrective surgery for eye sight etc. (e) Medical standard should be as per the detailed guidelines issued by IHQ MoD (Navy) in NO (Spl) 01/2008. (f) Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination. 9. Visual Standards Without Glasses With Glass Better Eye Worse Eye Better Eye Worse Eye SSR 6/6 6/9 6/6 6/6 MR 6/36 6/36 6/9 6/9 NMR 6/60 6/60 6/9 6/24 Note:- Applicants declared permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy are advised not to apply 10. Tattoos. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reversed side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from recruitment.

TRAINING AND INITIAL ENGAGEMENT 11. Training. The initial training for the course will be conducted at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. Branch / Trade will be allocated as per the requirement of Service. 12. Discharge as Unsuitable. Sailors are liable to be discharged as UNSUITABLE due to unsatisfactory performance at any time during the training. Additionally, Ag PO entries are liable to be discharged if sports performance does not improve to expected levels in the probationary period of three years. 13. Initial Engagement. The initial engagement is subjected to successful completion of training. The initial engagement is of 15 years. I

 Forwarding of Applications. Applications are to be forwarded to: -

 THE SECRETARY, INDIAN NAVY SPORTS CONTROL BOARD, 7th Floor, Chankya Bhavan, INTEGRATED HEADQUARTERS, M MoD (NAVY), NEW DELHI 110 021 17. Important Information. The terms & conditions given in this advertisement are subject to change and may therefore be treated as guidelines only. • In case of any difficulty faced by potential candidates they may contact IHQ MoD on Tele: 011 - 26887485. 

 Last date of receipt of application – 09 Jul 18. For candidates of North East, J&K, Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshdweep & Minicoy Islands – 16 Jul 18 
